DevOps In Custom Mobile Apps: Is It Helpful or A Hype?

  • 7.49 million mobile users will thrive in the world by 2025. (Statista)
  • 51% of mobile users discover new companies and effective services on their smartphones. (Hubspot)

The massive digital proliferation in smartphone usage has led to seismic changes in custom mobile app development.

As a matter of fact, custom mobile apps are driving businesses to the realm of success. Consequently, companies have understood that custom mobile apps effectively engage their targeted audience while initiating brand promotions.

So, it goes like thiscustom mobile apps are the best way to make your customers aware of your brand, products, services, and business strategies.

However, in conventional custom-built mobile app development, there is a distinct line between development, IT operation, and QA (Quality Assurance).

Each part of the development cycle works separately.

Still, the frustrating part is that if one area gets flawed, the entire development cycle will collapse.

Here comes the effectiveness of DevOps.

Usually, DevOps links three departments: development, operation, and QA, to boost employee collaboration.

The global DevOps market will grow to $ 26 Billion by 2027. (IMARC Group).

Additionally, the mobile app market is also growing leaps and bounds. With the integration of DevOps, themobile app developmentwill burst out of the seams.

The Primary Objects of DevOps

First, learn one thing.

DevOps is the powerhouse of the software development cycle.

On the other hand, app development companies require an advanced approach to develop cross-functional custom mobile apps faster than before.

Thus, the primary objective of DevOps suits perfectly to this requirement.

With too much zeal and surprise, the goals of DevOps are:

  • To ensure faster development and deployment of services
  • To ensure shorter time-to-market
  • Lower development and maintenance expenses
  • Fewer failures
  • Bring more innovation to products

Hence, DevOps enables custom mobile apps development companies to overcome their business obstacles and march forward.

Benefits Of DevOps Integrated Mobile Apps Development

Custom mobile apps development is a constantly growing industry indeed.

However, 80% of mobile apps fail to survive after a year. (CIO)

Moreover, the issues may vary from maintenance bugs, and QA, to development flaws.

Undoubtedly, DevOps adoption can serve as a powerful solution to this problem.

However, DevOps integration into mobile apps development is not a breeze. Still, once integrated, it will show a remarkable impact on the development process and client satisfaction.

Now, let’s discuss the various benefits of the DevOpsmobile apps development cycle.

Faster Mobile Apps Development

  • DevOps connects the app design and development team, App testing team, and IT operation team.
  • It accelerates the custom mobile apps development process on the whole. 

Relentless Testing and Monitoring

In terms of smartphones, several OS versions are out there.

Is it possible for the testing team to run manual testing for each version?

Moreover, mobile apps are likely to collapse even after manual testing. Memory issues, network issues, Etc., are some of the generic factors triggering the mobile app breakdown.

Hence, constant monitoring is the only solution to this problem.

DevOps allows companies to run relentless testing and monitoring to avoid app crashes.

 Quicker Release Time

  • DevOps helps companies lower their app development time, boosting collaboration among the departments.
  • When the team collaboration is outstanding, and team communication is transparent, it results in quicker app releases.
  • Finally, the equally dispersed information leaves no confusion among the team members.
  • As a result, the app release becomes fast and successful.

Blending Innovation Into Advanced Mobile Apps Development

Innovation is the key to making your custom mobile apps successful.

Furthermore, advanced applications with enhanced user experience ensure client satisfaction.

  • DevOps allows the development team to spend time nurturing their innovative corner of the mind.
  • The group becomes able to serve innovative, creative mobile application ideas on the platter.
  • Additionally, DevOps aids in instant feedback and reporting, debugging, and developing custom apps with agility.
  • As a result, it proves effective in minimizing errors and optimizing UX.

Mobile Apps Development Process Automation

Unaltered focus is all you need while requiring to add new features to your mobile application. Most of the time, it affects the workspace stability of the company.

  • Being a part of DevOps, automation ensures better feature integration management.
  • Therefore, DevOps integration provides a stable and sturdy automated app development process.

Quality Assurance

Most of all, DevOps helps companies maintain the sustainable quality of their mobile applications.

  • Continuous testing lowers mobile apps flaws.
  • With DevOps fixing bugs become a piece of cake.
  • Developers can easily create app updates and modifications.
  • The team collaboration, effective monitoring, and fast debugging all indicate the success of the mobile apps on the whole.
  • The company meets its business goals at ease.

Final Words

While talking about improved product quality, and fast product launch, DevOps is peerless. The integration of DevOps in app development in Toronto can help companies gain a competitive edge.

In point of fact, the basic intention of DevOps is to discard the product development and process bottlenecks. These bottlenecks are the hidden reasons behind the delays in product delivery.

The elimination of process bottlenecks also makes the releasing cycles faster.

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